Sunday, February 14, 2010

How To: Avoid the Lonliness of Valentine's Day

If you're like me, and you don't appreciate being surrounded by the love-obsessed or the gloomy-downers of Valentine's Day, and you're sort of stuck between, this blog is for you.

So you're probably sitting around, wondering how to make this day as normal as possible with all these V-day fanatics/disbelievers on the street. Here are some good starters for you:

1) Get a group of your single friends together and go see Valentine's Day. Yes, it may be a romance/comedy, but you're not there to remind yourself how pitiful you are not having someone, but more to spend your time with the company of those who do love you- your friends.

2) When you're finished with the movie, go to lunch/dinner as a group. This will make you all seem/feel much more closer than any other couple out there today, believe me.

3) When dinner's finished, try hitting up a club, bar, hang out spot, etc. This will throw the fun parts of being single/alone out there, again, and possibly line you up as a possibility for all the other single guys/gals doing just the same.

4) When all your fun is done, stop by the grocery store, buy some flowers or candy of your favorite, sit down in front of the television with your favorite romance or comedy movie, and remind yourself that you are a strong, independent person.

With these four steps, I assure anyone a happy valentine's day, whether they have someone who's away, or is single and looking. Valentine's day shouldn't be about the gifts or the expression, but more about spending the time with the person/people who make you feel loved, whether that's friends, family, or just your cat and your t.v. Happy Valentine's, everyone, and the best to all you singles, taken, or lonely people out there today.

Have questions or ideas for a "How To"? Email me with your comments at I appreciate any and all questions, comments, etc.

Keep reading for your daily "How To"!

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